Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Game Night

Again just like going to school everyday to become have to play in games a few times a week also...Last night for my son was game practice his craft. Only allowed to play in this after receiving great test scores from school that day. This is again one of those situations where school can be used as leverage to excel both on and off the court.


  1. For those parents out there that push their kids to excel let them find the joy in the game and competing free of excessive parental pressure. Basketball is a great analogy for life in so many ways obstacles, conflicts, injury, and even illness will come along and its how the parent and the child responds that will help him mature, develop, and grow stronger as he recognizes he can overcome the roadblocks life presents. Love your children and keep your priorities straight. Enjoy your children let them experience all that life and sport has to offer but realize its their life not yours and they will flourish on and off the court.

  2. School and basketball will give him the fundamentals to achieve with dedicated parents by his side cheering him on every step of the way. I am his biggest fan!!

  3. teach you children to love God above all and they will never fail
