Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer time summer time !!!

Once again summer is here...the best time to enjoy life basketball no school no pressure ...improve ! Improve everything....stay focused keep your skills sharp in the classroom also. Reading etc...practice ...practice on your game. Summertime it's easy to be lazy ... Summertime but its hard to be special ! So put effort into being special remember its takes a special effort to be Special !!!! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Rewards ... Come last !

After committing yourself to what seemed like at first un achievable goals are now all within reach and also seem now like you and yours have sold yourselves short ... As you gain momentum towards everything you set out to achieve you become humbled and see the rewards come in....keep the same mental approach along with work becomes habit.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Being Chased

In life and basketball if you are climbing to the top making progress etc...any slip in or out of your control ..the other chasers will chase you have to stay positive stay hungry and continue to believe and grind on and off the court !!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Back to form

After a up and down year on the court... Dominance is not far away.... Work ethic and believing is becoming a way of life.... Thankfully grades have always been first priority !!! And continues to be ... This journey is a process ...satisfying but you must be patient and have faith !!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Roller Coaster

Basketball is like life it has it's ups and downs it's good times it's bad times. But you have to keep working hard believe in yourself and everything that is meant to be will fall into place. Like Jimmy V said "Never give up, Never give up".....